Order Export
Summary of order export via flat file
JOOR Order Integration (JOINT) is JOOR's standard flat file order export integration tool. We can fully customize the order export file through selecting the file format and which fields to include. Once the integration is live, orders can be manually or automatically selected to export to an FTP, or manually selected to download from the order list page.
Basic Requirements
- Each file can contain one header row of field names, with each column representing one distinct order field.
- We offer four common formats as file options: .csv, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx.
- A delimiter is required for .csv and .txt files in order to separate out each of the fields in the export. This delimiter can be comma, pipe ("|"), semicolon, tab, or space.
- Orders can be combined into a single flat file, one file per order, or sent as a .zip file.
- Export file names can be configured to include information such as a PO number, customer code, or Unix timestamp.
- Success and error reports based on the order export can be sent to specific email addresses.
- After the export format has been created by JOOR, there are two methods to receive the order flat files:
- Manually select the orders from the order list page and download in the selected format.
- Schedule orders to export automatically to an FTP when they are assigned to specific statuses. The most common setting is for orders to export when they are marked as "Approved".
- Please provide a sample file to which we can build. This will help us complete the custom format as efficiently and accurately as possible.
- After the initial format is established, we will provide a test file for verification. After the format is approved, we will activate the orders integration.
- We offer the use of a go-live date, which allows the integration to exclude orders created before a certain date. This helps to avoid creating duplicate orders, in case any orders have been previously entered into your system.
- Orders can be set to export up to hourly through a customizable schedule.
- JOOR uses 7 order statuses:
- In Progress
- Returned
- Pending
- Approved
- Cancelled
- Shipped
- Notes
- Most brands set the integration to export all orders when they reach the Approved status. However, we are able to customize this to trigger the export when orders reach any of these statuses.
- After orders are exported through the integration, they will be marked as exported. Therefore, the next time the integration runs, they will not re-export.
- If you would not like an order to export, you can mark it as Exported. It will then be ignored when the integration runs.
- If an order has already been exported and you would like it to re-export, you can mark it as Force Export. It will then export the next time the integration runs.
- If any fields are required, we are able to set up validation in the integration to fail unless those fields are populated.
- Fields can also be made required without exporting in the file, if this is requested.
Order Export Fields
Field Name | Field Level | Value |
account_id | order | The JOOR (retailer) account ID to which the order is assigned. |
billing_city | order | The city entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_code | order | The Brand's code for unique billing addresses (often unused) |
billing_company | order | The store name entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_country | order | The country name entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_country_code2 | order | The 2-digit country code of the country entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_line1 | order | The address line 1 entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_line2 | order | The address line 2 entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_name | order | The buyer/contact name entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_phone | order | The phone number entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_state | order | The state entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
billing_zip | order | The postal code entered in the billing address by the rep/store on the order. |
buyer_display_name | order | The display name associated with the buyer's email address in JOOR. |
buyer_phone | order | The phone number associated with the buyer's email address in JOOR. |
calculated_order_subtotal | order | The purchase order subtotal (sum of each item price * quantity). |
calculated_order_total | order | The purchase order subtotal + shipping price (less discounts). |
commissions | order | Sales Rep order commissions. |
created | order | Order created date (long format with timestamp). |
currency_code | order | Currency Code assigned to the order currency. |
price_type_name | order | The name of price type on order. |
customer_code | order | Unique Customer Cude supplied by Brand for each retailer. |
company_name | order | Name of company placing the order. |
company_code | order | Company code of the company placing the order. |
date_approved | order | Order approved date (long format with timestamp). |
designer_custom_url | order | Brand's custom URL. |
designer_id | order | The JOOR (brand) account ID to which the order is assigned. |
designer_payment_method_code | order | Payment method/terms code assigned to the order. |
designer_profile_name | order | Brand Account Name as entered on JOOR. |
designer_shipping_method_code | order | Shipping method code assigned to the order. |
discount_amount | order | Order level discount |
division_code | order | Order division code. |
door_codes | order | Style Door Code - (each style is assigned a door) |
door_names | order | Style Door Name - (each style is assigned a door) |
event | order | Event (or "JOOR Site") |
event_code | order | Code associated with the event name. |
export_created | order | Export date (long format with timestamp). |
export_description | order | Export status description (success or reasons for failure) |
export_status | order | 0 = pending export 1 = exported 2 = modified since exported 3 = failed |
export_success | order | Export success (true or false) |
id | order | JOOR style_color identifier |
joor_web_status_id | order | JOOR order status code 1 = In Progress 2 = Returned 3 = Pending 4 = Approved 5 = Cancelled 6 = On Hold 7 = Shipped 8 = Notes |
modified | order | Order modified date (long format with timestamp) |
order_type | order | Designer order types |
payment_method_name | order | Payment Method/Terms description assigned to the order |
po_num | order | Customer defined Purchase Order number |
public_id | order | JOOR public order ID |
public_status_id | order | JOOR public order status ID |
rep_cc_emails | order | If the rep has a CC for their order |
rep_send_ipad_emails | order | My Settings > Send email for iPad orders |
rep_user_email | order | Sales rep email |
retailer_profile_name | order | Retailer Account Name as entered on JOOR |
sales_contact | order | Brand user JOOR display name (or brand profile contact name) |
sales_email | order | Brand user email (or brand profile email) |
sales_phone | order | Brand user phone number (or brand profile phone number) |
sales_rep_code | order | Code associated with Brand user |
sales_rep_display_name | order | Brand user JOOR display name |
sales_rep_phone | order | Brand user JOOR phone number |
season_code | order | Linesheet Season Code |
season_name | order | Linesheet Season Name |
shipping_account | order | Shipping Method Account # (e.g. UPS account #) |
shipping_city | order | The city entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_code | order | The Brand's code for unique shipping addresses |
shipping_or_customer_code | order | Displays customer code if no store code available |
shipping_company | order | The Store Name entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_complete | order | Order stop ship date (long format with timestamp) |
shipping_country | order | The country entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_country_code_2 | order | The 2-digit country code of the country entered in the shipping address |
shipping_email | order | The email entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_line1 | order | The address 1 entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_line2 | order | The address 2 entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_method_name | order | Shipping Method description assigned to the order |
shipping_name | order | The buyer/contact name entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_phone | order | The phone entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_price | order | The shipping fee that can be assigned to the order |
shipping_start | order | Order start ship date (long format with timestamp) |
shipping_state | order | The state entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
shipping_zip | order | The postal code entered in the shipping address by the rep/store on the order |
signature_file | order | Order signature filepath |
source | order | JOORAccess (site) or JOOR Orders for iPad |
special_instructions | order | Order special instructions/comment field |
internal_comments | order | Comments only visible to the brand and not displayed on the PO |
status | order | JOOR order status description |
styles | order | Concatenation of all style data |
tax_id_number | order | Retailer Tax ID |
tax_label | order | Tax Type Label (e.g. VAT) |
terms | order | Terms & Conditions (price type specific) |
total_units | order | Total order unit quantity |
type_code | order | Order Type Code |
warehouse_name | order | Name of retailer warehouse |
warehouse_code | order | Code associated with retailer warehouse |
placeholder | Free field to rename and use as needed. Could be used to hold a constant value. | |
placeholder.order_detail_row_counter | Order row/line number counter | |
concatenated_fields | Concatenation of any two or more available fields with the option to select a specific delimiter type | |
active_linesheets | style | If YES, the style is still on a linesheet If NO, the style is no longer on the linesheet |
available_sizes | style | All sizes the style is available in |
country_of_origin | style | Country of Origin for style |
division_code | style | Order division code |
silhouette | style | Silhouette of style |
silhouette_code | style | Code associated with silhouette of style |
fabrication | style | A style attribute for fabrication description |
fabrication_code | style | Code associated with fabrication description |
id | style | JOOR style_color identifier |
image | style | Main style image filepath |
linesheet_name | style | Linesheet Name ordered off of |
materials | style | Style Material description |
name | style | Size name |
number | style | Brand Style Number |
suggested_retail_price | style | Suggested Retail Price |
heel_height | style | A Style attribute for the height of a heel that appears on the PO |
source_of_materials | style | Source of materials used in fabrication |
contains_fur | style | Notes if style contains fur |
measurements | style | Measurements of the style |
description | style | Description of the style |
active | color | YES means the style color is still active NO means the style color is deleted |
code | color | Color Code |
comment | color | Style Color Comment |
door_id | color | JOOR door ID |
door_name | color | Door Name |
door_code | color | Door Code |
id | color | JOOR style_color identifier |
image | color | Main style image filepath |
name | color | Color name |
sizes | color | All sizes with unit counts for a particular style number and color |
code | size | Size Code. This field should not be required for bulk orders as Bulk Sizing will not have a size code. |
item_price | size | Line item wholesale price |
item_price_adjustment | size | Difference between line item "original price" and item "current price" |
item_price_extended | size | Line item price multiplied by line item quantity |
color_comment | size | Comment added on color |
modifications | size | Style order comment |
original_price | size | Original Item Price |
quantity | size | Item quantity |
multiplier | size | Used to calculate quantities for case packs |
total_units | size | Total order unit quantity |
name | size | Size name |
code_or_name | size | Size Code or Name (if no code) |
upc | size | UPC |
style_number_size_name | size | Concatenation of style number and size |
style_number_color_code_size_name | size | Concatenation of style number, color code, and size |
Updated 5 months ago