Inventory - Shopify
Inventory Sync
- The integration will sync inventory stock to JOOR from as many locations as needed.
- Inventory is synced for each style whenever a modification happens to a style.
- You can specify to your Integration Manager how order flow will affect Shopify inventory:
- Order flow can follow inventory policy on Shopify (i.e. claiming inventory only if greater than zero).
- Order flow can be made to ignore inventory on Shopify and always claim inventory (this is the default behavior).
Whether order flow affects Shopify inventory can be decided:
- per linesheet (see Styles, Images, and Linesheets )
- per product on Shopify with the "Continue selling when out of stock option"
- or set globally
Please let your Integration Manager know which you prefer.
Please note, the integration does not manage fulfillment of orders from multiple warehouses on Shopify. Orders on JOOR get assigned to the default location when coming back to Shopify. This default location should be used for setting available inventory to JOOR. See Orders - Shopify.
Please note, inventory will only sync for styles created through the integration on Shopify. Styles created on JOOR will not sync inventory to Shopify.
Is it possible to change the frequency of the integration sync?
If needed, the delay between each sync of the integration can be extended. It cannot, however, be made shorter than the default.
Does the integration work if some styles are Made to Order and some are Available to Sell?
Yes. When working with made to order styles, you should ensure the linesheets they are tied to have Made to order? set to "Yes" in JOOR. If the Linesheet Code is set to "MTO" in JOOR, any orders placed against this linesheet will not reduce inventory in Shopify.
Please note, use of the Linesheet Code "MTO" is only recommended if you manage your inventory outside of Shopify, as you cannot fulfill and reduce inventory units in Shopify later.
Is ATS supported?
Yes, from whichever location(s) you specify.
Is future inventory supported?
No, Shopify does not make incoming units available via their API, so the integration is only able to sync available inventory.
Are multiple warehouses supported?
Yes, you can let your Integration Manager know which warehouse location(s) you would like to sync.
Updated 9 months ago