Create SKU data for your products. We map all combinations of color and size. For example, if you send Color:Blue|Size:Small and Color:Red|Size:Medium, we will create 4 SKUs for:

  • Color:Blue | Size:Small
  • Color:Blue | Size:Medium
  • Color:Red | Size:Small
  • Color:Red | Size:Medium




  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: OAuth2 [Base64 encoded token]

Sample cURL Request

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"product_id\":\"string\",\"external_id\":\"string\",\"sku_identifier\":\"string\",\"trait_values\":[{\"trait_id\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\",\"external_id\":\"string\",\"order_minimum\":0,\"status\":\"string\"}],\"identifiers\":[{\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\"}]}]"


  1. Use the CREATE /products endpoint to create your product.
    a. Or, get the product id using the GET /products endpoint.
  2. Insert the product id in the product_id parameter when creating your SKU. This is the product your SKU will be mapped to.
  3. You will need to reference the SKU id when using the following endpoints:
  • UPDATE /skus
  • CREATE /prices
  • CREATE or UPDATE /collections

SKU Data

product_idYstringInsert the JOOR product id this SKU is being mapped to

Example: "111111"
external_idNstringInsert your system id for the SKU

Example: "222222"
sku_identifierNstringInsert your system identifier for the SKU

Example: "222222-A"

SKU Trait Data

nsert id U0tVVHJhaXQ6U3R5bGVDb2xvcg== for trait type Color
Insert id U0tVVHJhaXQ6U2l6ZQ== for trait type Size

When the SKU is created, we set to status:ACTIVE by default. This means that it will be displayed and shoppable on a collection.

trait_idYstringInsert the id of the trait you want to add to the SKU. This must be encoded.

Example: "U0tVVHJhaXQ6U3R5bGVDb2xvcg==" for Color
valueYstringInsert the value for the trait you are adding to the SKU

Example: "Blue"
external_idNstringInsert the system id for the SKU value

Example: "BLU"
order_minimumNintegerInsert the minimum quantity for the product per order

Example: "1000"
statusNstringInsert the status for the SKU. By default, it is set to ACTIVE when created.

Available options are ACTIVE and INACTIVE.

SKU Identifier Data


Request Example

    "product_id": "222222",
    "external_id": "777777",
    "sku_identifier": "888888",
    "trait_values": [
        "trait_id": "U0tVVHJhaXQ6U3R5bGVDb2xvcg==",
        "value": "Blue",
        "external_id": "BLUE",
        "order_minimum": 0,
        "status": "ACTIVE"
        "trait_id": "U0tVVHJhaXQ6U2l6ZQ==",
        "value": "Small",
        "external_id": "S",
        "order_minimum": 0,
        "status": "ACTIVE"
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "UPC",
        "value": "666666"

Response Example

  "data": [
      "id": "333333",
      "product_id": "222222",
      "identifiers": [
          "type": "UPC",
          "value": "666666"
      "trait_values": [
          "trait": {
            "id": "U0tVVHJhaXQ6U3R5bGVDb2xvcg==",
            "name": "Color"
          "value": "Blue",
          "external_id": "BLUE",
          "order_minimum": 0,
          "status": "ACTIVE"
          "trait": {
            "id": "U0tVVHJhaXQ6U2l6ZQ==",
            "name": "Size"
          "value": "Small",
          "external_id": "S",
          "order_minimum": 0,
          "status": "ACTIVE"
      "external_id": "777777",
      "sku_identifier": "888888"
  "errors": []