


  • Accept: application/xml OR application/json
  • Authorization: OAuth2 [Base64 encoded token]

Response Details

+ connectionsnode : 1-1
  + responsenode : 1-1
    code Y Integer Y success/error code
    comment N Any String Y error details
    start_from N Integer Y
    next_start N Integer Y
    count N Integer Y
    log_id Y Any String Y
  + connectionsnode : 0-1
    + connectionnode : 1-n
      customer_code Y Any String 50 Y Unique identifier supplied by the Brand to identify a connection on JOOR
      customer_alias Y Any String 150 Y Custom name supplied by the Brand to identify a connection on JOOR
      customer_contact_name Y Any String 1000 Y The primary name of the retailer on JOOR
      customer_contact_email N Any String 50 Y The email for the primary contact for the customer
      customer_buyer_name N Any String 50 Y The buyer's full name
      company_number_name N Any String 150 Y The name of the group of retailers to which the customer belongs
      company_number_code N Any String 100 Y The code associated with the company
      customer_group_name N Any String 150 Y The name of the customer group
      customer_group_code N Any String 100 Y The code associated with the customer group
      sales_rep_code N Any String 100 Y The code associated with the assigned sales rep
      + warehousesnode : 0-1
        + warehousenode : 1-n
          warehouse_name N Any String 150 Y The name associated with the assigned warehouse
          warehouse_code N Any String 100 Y The code associated with the assigned warehouse
      + billingnode : 0-1
        + billing_addressesnode : 0-1
          + billing_addressnode : 1-n
            billing_address_id N Int 4 Y JOOR's unique ID for a Billing Address
            billing_code N Any String 50 Y The alphanumeric code related to a billing address
            billing_name N Any String 255 Y The billing address' name
            billing_phone N Any String 30 Y Phone number associated with the billing address
            billing_address_1 N Any String 100 Y First line of the billing Address
            billing_address_2 N Any String 100 Y Second line of the billing Address
            billing_city Y Any String 150 Y City field of the billing address
            billing_state Y (if US, CA, JP, or AU) Any String 40 Y State field of the billing address.
            billing_postal_code N Any String 30 Y Postal code of the billing address
            billing_country Y Any String 100 Y Country of the billing address. Country name must be listed in English or in ISO Code format.
        + payment_methodsnode : 0-1
          + payment_methodnode : 1-n
            payment_method_code N Any String 255 Y An alphanumeric code associated with a payment method
            payment_method_name N Any String 255 Y The name of the payment method
            payment_method_is_default N Boolean Y A retailer can have a default payment method set and this Boolean field will be set to TRUE if it's the default for the retailer, and FALSE if it is not.
      + discountsnode : 0-1
        + discountnode : 1-n
          discount N Int 100 Y Discount percentage automatically applied to orders placed by the customer
          discount_line_item_level N Boolean Y If TRUE, discount is applied at the order line item level. If FALSE, discount is applied at the order level
      + shippingnode : 0-1
        + shipping_addressesnode : 0-1
          + shipping_addressnode : 1-n
            shipping_address_id N Int 4 Y JOOR's unique ID for a shipping Address
            shipping_code N Any String 50 Y The alphanumeric code related to a shipping address
            shipping _name N Any String 255 Y The shipping address' name
            shipping_phone N Any String 30 Y Phone number associated with the shipping address
            shipping_email N Any String 50 Y The email for the shipping address
            shipping_address_1 N Any String 100 Y First line of the shipping Address
            shipping_address_2 N Any String 100 Y Second line of the shipping Address
            shipping_city Y Any String 150 Y City field of the shipping address
            shipping_state Y (if US, CA, JP, or AU)N Any String 40 Y State field of the shipping address.
            shipping_postal_code N Any String 30 Y Postal Code of the Shipping code
            shipping_country Y Any String 100 Y Country of the shipping address. Country name must be listed in English or in ISO Code format.
        + shipping_methodsnode : 0-1
          + shipping_methodnode : 1-n
            shipping_method_code N Any String 255 Y An alphanumeric code associated with a shipping method
            shipping _method_name N Any String 255 Y The name of the shipping method
            shipping _method_is_default N Boolean Y A retailer can have a shipping payment method set and this Boolean field will be set to TRUE if it is the default for the retailer, and FALSE if it is not.
      + customer_locationsnode : 0-1
        + customer_locationnode : 1-n
          location_address_id N Int 4 Y JOOR's unique ID for a retailer's physical location
          location_address_1 N Any String 100 Y First line of a retailer's physical location
          location_address_2 N Any String 100 Y Second line of a retailer's physical location
          location_city N Any String 150 Y City field of a retailer's physical location
          location_state Y (if US, CA, JP, or AU) Any String 40 Y State field of a retailer's physical location.
          location_zip N Any String 30 Y Zip code field of a retailer's physical location
          location_country N Any String 100 Y Country field of a retailer's physical location. Listed in English or in ISO codes.
          location_phone N Any String 30 Y Phone number of a retailer's physical location
      + price_typesnode : 0-1
        + price_typenode : 1-n
          price_type_currency_name Y Any String 100 Y Label field used to delineate between multiple prices of the same currency. Values should match the ones sent through the Styles API (price_label and price_currency).
          price_type_currency_code Y Any String 3 Y The 3 letter ISO designation of the price's currency. Values should match the ones sent through the Styles API (price_label and price_currency).
          price_type_terms Y Text Y Terms and conditions that can be tied to a specific price type (currency)
          price_type_id Y Int 4 Y JOOR's unique ID for a price type.
          connection_override_terms_name N Any String 255 Y Name of the Terms and Conditions tied to a specific retailer per price type.
          connection_override_terms_value N Text Y Text of the Terms and Conditions tied to a specific retailer per price type.
      + doorsnode : 0-1
        + doornode : 1-n
          door_id Y Int 4 Y JOOR's unique ID for a door
          shipping_address_id Y Int 4 Y If the door is assigned to a shipping address, the shipping_address_id will be listed here
          door_name Y Any String 150 Y Name of the Door
          door_code N Any String 15 Y Code associated with the door
      + tax_id_numbersnode : 0-1
        + tax_id_numbernode : 1-n
          tax_id_number N Any String 100 Y Alphanumeric string specified for a retailer per country. Used for VAT/GST
          name N Any String 255 Y Country name associated with the Tax ID Number

Response Example

        <comment />
            <customer_contact_name>Kristen Leone</customer_contact_name>
                    <warehouse_name>Test Warehouse</warehouse_name>
                    <warehouse_code>Test Code</warehouse_code>
                        <billing_code />
                        <billing_address_1>708 Willow Ave</billing_address_1>
                        <billing_address_2>Suite 5F</billing_address_2>
                        <billing_code />
                        <billing_address_1>1 Main St</billing_address_1>
                        <billing_address_2 />
                        <billing_city>New York</billing_city>
                        <billing_country>United States</billing_country>
                        <payment_method_name>Net 30 (Pending Approval)</payment_method_name>
                        <payment_method_name>Credit Card</payment_method_name>
                        <payment_method_name>Wire Transfer</payment_method_name>
                        <shipping_code />
                        <shipping_address_1>1 Main St</shipping_address_1>
                        <shipping_address_2 />
                        <shipping_city>New York</shipping_city>
                        <shipping_country>United States</shipping_country>
                        <shipping_code />
                        <shipping_phone>(713) 780-8564</shipping_phone>
                        <shipping_address_1>1 Main St</shipping_address_1>
                        <shipping_address_2 />
                        <shipping_city>New York</shipping_city>
                        <shipping_country>United States</shipping_country>
                        <shipping_method_name>UPS Ground</shipping_method_name>
                        <shipping_method_name>UPS 2-Day</shipping_method_name>
                        <shipping_method_name>FedEx International Economy</shipping_method_name>
                    <price_type_terms>These are the EUR Terms</price_type_terms>
                    <connection_override_terms_name />
                    <connection_override_terms_value />
                    <price_type_currency_name>Australian Dollar</price_type_currency_name>
                    <price_type_retail_currency_name>US Dollars</price_type_retail_currency_name>
                    <price_type_terms />
                    <connection_override_terms_name>US Terms</connection_override_terms_name>
                    <connection_override_terms_value>These terms and conditions apply to US retailers only.</connection_override_terms_value>
                    <location_address_1>1 Main St</location_address_1>
                    <location_address_2 />
                    <location_city>New York</location_city>
                    <location_country>United States</location_country>
                    <buyer_name>Kristen Friedel</buyer_name>
                    <buyer_name />
                    <buyer_name />
                    <buyer_name />
                    <buyer_name />
                    <style_id />
                    <style_id />
                    <division_id />
                    <style_id />
  "response": {
    "code": 0,
    "comment": "",
    "start_from": 0,
    "next_start": 0,
    "count": "6",
    "log_id": "854554c0-83e4-4409-8b8f-a6ef7daa7c4b"
  "connections": [
      "brand_account_id": 24180,
      "customer_account_id": 24181,
      "customer_code": "JBNY",
      "customer_alias": "Alias",
      "customer_name": "JboutiqueNY",
      "customer_email": "kristen+joor+jbout@jooraccess.com",
      "customer_contact_name": "Kristen Leone",
      "company_number_name": "company1",
      "company_number_code": "c1",
      "customer_group_name": "Specialty",
      "customer_group_code": "SPC",
      "sales_rep_code": "AB",
      "warehouses": [
          "warehouse_name": "Test Warehouse",
          "warehouse_code": "Test Code"
      "connection_modified": "2014-01-30T13:21:43+00:00",
      "billing": {
        "billing_addresses": [
            "billing_address_id": 115886,
            "billing_code": "",
            "billing_name": "JboutiqueNY",
            "billing_phone": "0000000000",
            "billing_address_1": "1 Main St",
            "billing_address_2": "",
            "billing_city": "New York",
            "billing_state": "NY",
            "billing_postal_code": "10005",
            "billing_country": "United States"
            "billing_address_id": 115889,
            "billing_code": "",
            "billing_name": "JboutiqueNY",
            "billing_phone": "212-555-1212",
            "billing_address_1": "1 Main St",
            "billing_address_2": "Accts Payable",
            "billing_city": "New York",
            "billing_state": "NY",
            "billing_postal_code": "10005",
            "billing_country": "United States"
        "payment_methods": [
            "payment_method_id": -6,
            "payment_method_code": "net30",
            "payment_method_name": "Net 30 (Pending Approval)",
            "payment_method_is_default": true
            "payment_method_id": 26,
            "payment_method_code": "x30w",
            "payment_method_name": "X30W (Pending Approval)",
            "payment_method_is_default": false
            "payment_method_id": 27,
            "payment_method_code": "oth",
            "payment_method_name": "Other",
            "payment_method_is_default": false
            "payment_method_id": 28,
            "payment_method_code": "30pdc",
            "payment_method_name": "30 Days PDC",
            "payment_method_is_default": false
            "payment_method_id": 29,
            "payment_method_code": "pp",
            "payment_method_name": "Payment Plan",
            "payment_method_is_default": false
      "shipping": {
        "shipping_addresses": [
            "shipping_address_id": 66590,
            "shipping_code": "",
            "shipping_name": "JboutiqueNY",
            "shipping_phone": "212-555-1212",
            "shipping_email": "dan+2@jooraccess.com",
            "shipping_address_1": "1 Main St",
            "shipping_address_2": "",
            "shipping_city": "New York",
            "shipping_state": "NY",
            "shipping_postal_code": "10005",
            "shipping_country": "United States"
            "shipping_address_id": 141151,
            "shipping_code": "",
            "shipping_name": "JboutiqueNY",
            "shipping_phone": "212-555-1212",
            "shipping_email": "kristen+joor@jooraccess.com",
            "shipping_address_1": "1 Main St",
            "shipping_address_2": "",
            "shipping_city": "New York",
            "shipping_state": "NY",
            "shipping_postal_code": "10005",
            "shipping_country": "United States"
        "shipping_methods": [
            "shipping_method_id": -12,
            "shipping_method_code": "ups_ground",
            "shipping_method_name": "UPS Ground",
            "shipping_method_is_default": false
            "shipping_method_id": 14,
            "shipping_method_code": "fedex_economy",
            "shipping_method_name": "FedEx International Economy",
            "shipping_method_is_default": true
      "price_types": [
          "price_type_id": 2982,
          "price_type_label": "Europe",
          "price_type_currency_code": "EUR",
          "price_type_currency_name": "Euro",
          "price_type_retail_currency_code": "EUR",
          "price_type_retail_currency_name": "Euro",
          "price_type_terms": "These are the EUR Terms",
          "connection_override_terms_name": "",
          "connection_override_terms_value": ""
          "price_type_id": 2989,
          "price_type_label": "Australia",
          "price_type_currency_code": "AUD",
          "price_type_currency_name": "Australian Dollar",
          "price_type_retail_currency_code": "USD",
          "price_type_retail_currency_name": "US Dollar",
          "price_type_terms": "",
          "connection_override_terms_name": "US Terms",
          "connection_override_terms_value": "These terms and conditions apply to US retailers only."
      "doors": [
          "door_id": 1228,
          "door_shipping_address_id": 214920,
          "door_name": "Door1",
          "door_code": "D1"
      "customer_locations": [
          "location_address_id": 25965,
          "location_address_1": "1 Main St",
          "location_address_2": "",
          "location_city": "New York",
          "location_state": "NY",
          "location_zip": "10005",
          "location_country": "United States",
          "location_phone": "212-555-1212"
      "buyers": [
          "buyer_id": 60523,
          "buyer_name": "",
          "buyer_email": "joe@gmail.com"
          "buyer_id": 108698,
          "buyer_name": "",
          "buyer_email": "john@yahoo.com"
          "buyer_id": 108704,
          "buyer_name": "Kristen Friedel",
          "buyer_email": "kristen@jooraccess.com"
          "buyer_id": 108705,
          "buyer_name": "",
          "buyer_email": "michael@jooraccess.com"
      "tax_id_numbers": [
          "tax_id_number": "7718241",
          "name": "France"
      "discounts": [
          "amount": 4,
          "type": "PERCENT",
          "division_id": 498,
          "account_boutique_discount_id": 16042,
          "line_item_level": true,
          "style_id": ""
          "amount": 6,
          "type": "PERCENT",
          "division_id": 755,
          "account_boutique_discount_id": 16043,
          "line_item_level": true,
          "style_id": ""
          "amount": 7,
          "type": "PERCENT",
          "division_id": "",
          "account_boutique_discount_id": 16044,
          "line_item_level": false,
          "style_id": ""