

APIs and documentation in development

Create an order object to add your items to.

This endpoint requires either JOOR IDs or an external ID.




  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: OAuth2 [Base64 encoded token]

Sample cURL Request

curl -X POST "https://apisandbox.jooraccess.com/v4/orders/bulk_create?account=[account_id]" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"retailer_id\":\"string\",\"price_type_id\":\"string\",\"collection_id\":\"string\",\"status\":\"string\",\"shipping_id\":\"string\",\"billing_id\":\"string\",\"sales_rep\":\"string\",\"payment_method\":\"string\",\"order_discount\":[{\"discount_type\":\"string\",\"discount_amount\":\"string\"}]}]"


  1. Use this endpoint to create your order level data
  2. You will use the order id in the following endpoints:

Request Body Elements

retailer_idYstringThe JOOR id for the retailer (customer)

Example: "111111"
price_type_idYstringThe price type id for this order, which applies currencies to the cost and retail prices

Example: "1234"
collection_idYstringThe collection id for this order. The start and end dates will be applied

Example: "123456"
statusYstringThe status of the order.

Available options are "IN_PROGRESS", "NOTES", "PENDING", "APPROVED", "CANCELLED"
shipping_id (not available at this time)NstringThe JOOR connection id for the retailer shipping location. Not required for "IN_PROGRESS" orders

Example: "333333"
billing_id (not available at this time)NstringThe JOOR connection id for the retailer billing location. Not required for "IN_PROGRESS" orders

Example: "444444"
sales_rep (not available at this time)NstringThe sales rep associated with this order

Example: "[email protected]"
payment_method (not available at this time)YstringThe payment method used for this order

Example: "Credit Card"
discount_type (not available at this time)NstringThe type of discount applied to the order

Available options are "PERCENT" or "DOLLAR"
discount_amount (not available at this time)NstringThe discount applied to the order. Percents need to be applied as a decimal value (less than 1.0)

Example: "0.2" or "25"

Statuses and Rules

Available order status options are "NOTES", "PENDING", "APPROVED", or "CANCELLED". The requirements for each status are listed below.

IN_PROGRESSOnly the retailer_id, price_type_id, collection_id, and status are required.
NOTESShipping and billing addresses. Payment method.
PENDINGShipping and billing addresses. Payment method. Each item (product-color) must have at least one unit.
APPROVEDShipping and billing addresses. Payment method. Each item must have at least one unit.
CANCELLEDShipping and billing addresses. Payment method. Each item must have at least one unit.

Request Example

    "retailer_id": "111111",
    "price_type_id": "2222",
    "collection_id": "33333333",
    "status": "APPROVED",    
    "shipping_id": "4444444",
    "billing_id": "5555555",
    "sales_rep": "[email protected]",
    "payment_method": "Credit Card",
    "order_discount": [
        "discount_type": "PERCENT",
        "discount_amount": "0.2"

Response Field Details

idstringThe JOOR id for this order
retailer_idstringThe JOOR id for the retailer (customer)
price_type_idstringThe price type id for this order, which applies currencies to the cost and retail prices
collection_idstringThe collection id for this order. The start and end dates will be applied
statusstringThe status of the order.
shipping_id (not available at this time)stringThe JOOR connection id for the retailer shipping location. Not required for "IN_PROGRESS" orders
billing_id (not available at this time)stringThe JOOR connection id for the retailer billing location. Not required for "IN_PROGRESS" orders
sales_rep (not available at this time)stringThe sales rep associated with this order
payment_method (not available at this time)stringThe payment method used for this order
discount_type (not available at this time)stringThe type of discount applied to the order
discount_amount (not available at this time)stringThe discount applied to the order. Percents need to be applied as a decimal value (less than 1.0)

Response Example

  "data": [
      "id": "000001",
      "retailer_id": "111111",
      "price_type_id": "2222",
      "collection_id": "33333333",
      "status": "APPROVED"
      "shipping_id": "4444444",
      "billing_id": "5555555",
      "sales_rep": "[email protected]",
      "payment_method": "Credit Card",
      "order_discount": [
          "discount_type": "PERCENT",
          "discount_amount": "0.2"
  "errors": [
      "status": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "details": {}