Tracking Numbers on Shipments

Hi Guys, How and where would we retrieve shipment information such as tracking numbers? Also can you GET orders of several statuses in one call by comma separating the IDs? Kind regards,

Image Resize

Hi Team, Image is resizing while uploading through 'Create Images' API in Joor. Is there any option to prevent this.

Get order with by date_modified

Hello, How to I can get order with field date_modified by from date -> to date. I use api v2 Thank for help

Category List

Is there a list available of the categories which references their category id?

Image creation API

By invoking the image creation API for a color image, if I set the parameter "replace_existing" to true, are primary style images deleted? For example: POST | Can you confirm that for a color it is possible to upload only one image, which may or may not be a swatch? For a color, if I load a swatch image with replace_existing parameter set to false after loading an image (even non-swatch), does the swatch image replace the previous one or do I get an error?

How to I can get client_id client_secret?

I want get client_id and client_secret to call api Thanks

Business Central Style Sync Issue

We are trying to sync Styles from Microsoft Dynamics Business Central SAAS but we are getting the below error { "response": { "code": "928", "comment": "Invalid category specified in input", "log_id": "644153f3-23fc-4e9f-9a98-74d5e01a7291" } } can we know the reason for the same.

The style_identifier is not always set

The style_identifier is not set, when a style has been imported ( or added by backoffice joor ( Which style_identifier value should be used in the API v2.0 calls (eg if the style_identifier was not set?

I18n in JOOR

Is it possible to load the texts of a style (for example style_name, style_description) in different languages (it, en, fr, ...) in order to show the name and description in the correct language when changing the language?

The style_identifier is not always set

The style_identifier is not set, when a style has been imported ( or added by backoffice joor ( Which style_identifier value should be used in the API v2.0 calls (eg if the style_identifier was not set?